Monthly archives "March 2019"
A letter to Mayor Liccardo and City Councilmembers to direct all $20M unrestricted proceeds from the sale of the Public Soccer Complex land at 1123 Coleman to PRNS capital projects, selecting from the $320M infrastructure backlog as well as rehabilitation of sports fields throughout the City.
[Click here for the entire letter]
San Jose Parks Advocates opposes the use Arena Green Park for the Light Tower Corporation’s proposed art project.
We believe that :
The site analysis report ctains fatal flaws
The Arena Green Park site is too environmentally sensitive
The proposed use is not compatible with existing policies, plans, and studies of Arena
Green Park and this planning area,
It will negatively impact the fundraising plan of a previously approved major city
park redevelopment project, St. James and the Levitt Pavilion
The proposal is based on a flawed assumption that the Light Tower Corporation’s
open, uncompensated art contest will lead to great art.
A “free gift” should not take park land from a park deficient area nor require the use
of City Park Trust funds to produce the site analysis, provide uncompensated Senior
Management time, nor should complete of the project require future park trust
fund/development fees or Google Community benefit funds.
We ask that the Council reject the site analysis and ask the proponents to fully fund their
gift by compensating the city for all expenses and by buying a site rather than taking
parkland from a park deficient area.
San Jose Parks Advocates is an all-volunteer organization of neighborhood leaders and
community members concerned about San Jose parks. Our mission is to bring parks into the
public political consciousness, to make parks an issue in all discussions of civic priorities,
neighborhood services, and community interactions with the City of San Jose. We envision a
City where quality parks and trails for all of its residents is universally supported as a core City
service. Civic leaders will develop, enhance, and maintain these spaces as a source of civic pride
and essential to the health and quality of life of the residents, workers, and visitors.
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